The Best Online Courses for Startup Founders

The Best Online Courses for Startup Founders

If you’re the creator of a new business, you might feel like your role is to lead your new company and its employees, but have you considered using online courses to build your own knowledge and skillset? There are excellent available opportunities for CEOs and founders to take online courses that can help them better guide and grow their new businesses, but they don’t often take advantage of them.

Entrepreneurial education can be a critical component of not only being an excellent leader but also ensuring your company has staying power and a competitive edge.

Below are some of the best course options for entrepreneurs across all industries.

Entrepreneurship—From Idea to Launch

Available on, Entrepreneurship—From Idea to Launch is an online course that is free of charge and features 32 lectures along with 2 ½ hours of video content. It’s had nearly 69,000 students enrolled, and a 4.4 out of 5 rating from those students.

This course focuses on helping entrepreneurs understand the process they need to follow to be successful, and the lectures lay out a series of steps that will guide people from their initial idea through what it takes to build and launch a successful business.

Some of the specific objectives of the course include gaining an understanding of opportunities for new businesses to arise in the market, how to build and test a business model, and how to create a successful business plan.

Big Data and Hadoop Developer Training

Hadoop training can be valuable to any startup founder or new business leader because they’ll learn not just about Hadoop specifically, but also get a better understanding of data analytics. Hadoop training should include a combination of conceptual content as well as real-world, hands-on projects.

After completing Hadoop training, an entrepreneur should be able to gain a comprehensive understanding of the Hadoop ecosystem, and much of this work can then be translated into their business to grow it based on actionable, data-based insights.


Coding is another skill area that can be beneficial for entrepreneurs in any industry to gain experience in. A startup founder may choose to learn a particular language such as JavaScript or Python, and they might want to focus on front-end development or back-end development, depending on their business and their specific needs.

Many entrepreneurs also have knowledge of HTML and CSS, which give them at least a basic, foundational understanding of coding which can be useful as they’re building websites and applications for their business.

Growth Hacking

The final course included on this list that new business founders might want to consider is one that focuses on growth hacking. Growth hacking is good for entrepreneurs who want to know what they should do after they’ve successfully launched their business and then want to grow it.

Taking a growth hacking course can help business leaders save a lot of time and know the right steps to make for sustainable growth.

An entrepreneur may have the ideas and the determination, but when they invest their time in taking courses like the ones above, they’ll have a better foundation to continue growing their business effectively and efficiently.


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