4 Questions to Answer before Changing Jobs

New Career Opportunities

Change is as good as rest, so it is said. However, should you presumptuously take it because it is supposed to be good? This is a critical question to ponder over when contemplating changing jobs. Your current employer might not be meeting your needs. You may have missed the promotion you have worked hard towards, or your boss has not upscaled your benefits as you had agreed. Another reason might be the new head of department who seems not to appreciate your work but does not understand his own either.

However, stop and think about the following questions before you say quits and take that enticing opportunity.

  1. Do you know the company culture?

Company culture is what has kept or is driving you out of your current workplace. It is what will keep you at the next. You may have all the necessary qualifications, but if you cannot fit in, the move will be your downfall. Consider the environment you have worked in and the one the new employer is presenting. Take, for example, the employee who has been successful at implementing ideas that others have thought. Putting such employees where they have to come up with ideas from scratch may destroy their career unless they learn fast.

  1. Do you know anyone who works there?

Knowing someone in the company you are planning to move to is beneficial in several reasons. Studies indicate that those who know someone in the company they are applying for get preferential treatments. You never know how much of that you will need. The person may also give you an insight of the working of the organization. Such information is vital in determining the company’s culture.

  1. Does the new opportunity match your personality?

Different working environments require different personalities. Do you prefer a quiet working environment such as a secluded office or you work best in a noisy environment with several distractions? If you have the former personality, then taking a job to manage an industry floor is not a good idea. You can take personality tests to determine the best jobs for you.

  1. What life-work balance does the new job offer?

It is unfortunate that most people do not consider this question when taking jobs. They only realize their mistake when their body or families begin to suffer. Consider the following questions: Will you be working more hours? How long will you commute? How much time does the new job allow you with your family? Will it require that you travel overseas, and if so, for how long?

At jobapplicationcenter.com, you can get prior information on how long you will be required to work and on which days. Find out such information about your prospective employer before you sign a contract.

Final words

Changing jobs is sometimes the best decision to make. However, it is not farfetched that you may be jumping from the proverbial frying pan into a literal fire. Ensure all your questions are answered with regards to how the new job will affect your career development, wellbeing, and family. Never feel obliged to take a new job if it does not satisfy your needs.


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