An MBA Degree May Just Be What You Need

Whether you’re trying to advance in your career or you want to be an even better business owner, pursuing an online MBA degree may just be a fantastic idea. According to studies conducted by Washington State University, online MBAs bring a vast array of benefits to their holders. For starters, over 90% of those with an MBA degree managed to increase their earnings potential. According to the same research, post-MBA earnings of those who received a promotion due to their degree are well over the $70,000 median salary of mid-level managers.

The increase in earnings potential is not the only thing you can get from an online MBA degree. The course will also help you master essential skills and turn you into a more effective business owner. More importantly, online courses are now more affordable than ever, increasing the ROI of your degree even further.

The Measuring the ROI of an Online MBA infographic by Washington State University contains more information on the benefits you can gain from pursuing an online MBA.
Washington State University


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